- United States: The capital gains tax rate in the US ranges from 0% to 20%, depending on the individual’s income and the type of investment.
- Canada: The capital gains tax rate in Canada is 50% of the individual’s marginal tax rate.
- Australia: The capital gains tax rate in Australia is generally half of the individual’s marginal tax rate, but it can vary depending on the type of investment and how long it was held.
- United Kingdom: The capital gains tax rate in the UK is 18% or 28%, depending on the individual’s income and the type of investment.
- Germany: Capital gains tax rate in Germany is flat rate of 25%.
- France: Capital gains tax rate in France is 30% for individuals and 33.33% for corporate entities.
- Japan: Capital gains tax rate in Japan is 20% or 55% depending on the holding period.
- India: Capital gains tax rate in India is 20% for short-term gains and 10% for long-term gains.
- South Africa: Capital gains tax rate in South Africa is 18% for individuals and 22.4% for corporate entities.
- Romania: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Romania is 16% for individuals and 16% for corporate entities.
- Spain: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Spain is 19% for individuals and 25% for corporate entities.
- Norway: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Norway is 22% for individuals, 22% for corporate entities.
- Estonia: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Estonia is 20% for individuals, 20% for corporate entities.
- Finland: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Finland is 30% for individuals and 20% for corporate entities.
- Sweden: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Sweden is 30% for individuals and 22% for corporate entities.
- Switzerland: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Switzerland depends on the canton of residence and the holding period. Generally, the capital gain tax rate ranges between 0% to 50%.
- Poland: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Poland is 19% for individuals, 19% for corporate entities.
- Netherlands: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Netherlands is 30% for individuals and 25% for corporate entities.
- Denmark: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Denmark is 42% for individuals and 22% for corporate entities.
- Turkey: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Turkey is 0% for individuals, 0% for corporate entities.
- Dubai: Dubai is one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE as a whole does not have a federal income tax system, with the exception of some foreign oil companies and branches of foreign banks operating in the country. As for Dubai, it does not have any personal or corporate income tax, including capital gains tax. Dubai relies on its revenues from tourism, real estate, and trade to fund its government.
- Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia does not have a federal income tax system, including capital gains tax. However, there are some taxes that are imposed by the government such as the Value-Added Tax (VAT) which is 5% on most goods and services.
- Cyprus: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Cyprus is 20% for individuals and 12.5% for corporate entities.
- Ukraine: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Ukraine is 5% for individuals, 18% for corporate entities
- Bulgaria: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Bulgaria is 10% for individuals and 10% for corporate entities.
- Russia: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Russia is 13% for individuals and 20% for corporate entities.
- Thailand: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Thailand is 0% for individuals and corporate entities.
- China: Capital Gains Tax Rate in China is 20% for individuals, and 25% for corporate entities.
- Egypt: Capital Gains Tax Rate in Egypt is 10% for individuals and corporate entities.
Please note that the tax laws and regulations may change over time and I would recommend you to check with the relevant authorities for the most accurate and up-to-date information.